yeah yeah...coming back here..there are 2 important updates (may be not for some, lol)...
ONE, the long-waited for...the 'library' is finally born!!! next tuesday 18th August at the curve...
a library of drinks (chivas, lamborghini...I don't drink ODD drinks..may knocked you out very soon) a library of food (well, pizza will make you less painful of your stomach with 'drinks' later) a library of music (can't r?pe my, can't ra?e my, no you cant ??? la..) a library of entertainment (well, hopefully something to 'cure' my eyes..pretty pretty)
tekan will be led to the host web...bud free...for your convenience only

ONE, the long-waited for...the 'library' is finally born!!! next tuesday 18th August at the curve...
a library of drinks (chivas, lamborghini...I don't drink ODD drinks..may knocked you out very soon) a library of food (well, pizza will make you less painful of your stomach with 'drinks' later) a library of music (can't r?pe my, can't ra?e my, no you cant ??? la..) a library of entertainment (well, hopefully something to 'cure' my eyes..pretty pretty)
tekan will be led to the host web...bud free...for your convenience only

talented? saxophonists, street dance and many more..tekan tekan
hope to see you there very soon be finalists!!!
hope to see you there very soon be finalists!!!

hopefully you can put on some high school uniform since it's a be the limelight!! have some theme-matched clothes please...
it's a big deal!!! scientists have discovered a planet which is similar to our mother earth with all sources for lives...air..water...... it's called gliese 581d..
NASA collaborated to create this opp0rtunity for you to leave your message to 'alients' (so called, but anyway, they may have the same features as we are, who knows..)
here you once-a-life time comes...log on to the website and type what you want to say to our very neighbours..
but also mentioned that it will take 20.4 years for your messages to reach them and they may not know what you trying to tell them also..but at least it's a try...
it's a big deal!!! scientists have discovered a planet which is similar to our mother earth with all sources for lives...air..water...... it's called gliese 581d..
NASA collaborated to create this opp0rtunity for you to leave your message to 'alients' (so called, but anyway, they may have the same features as we are, who knows..)
here you once-a-life time comes...log on to the website and type what you want to say to our very neighbours..
but also mentioned that it will take 20.4 years for your messages to reach them and they may not know what you trying to tell them also..but at least it's a try...

my life has been very hectic for nothing..hoefully what i trying to 'repair' works..sometimes we just need to amend our life...adjust adjust...

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